We are doing the beer mile to help raise money and awareness to help fight Multiple Sclerosis. The beer mile is a challenge - and so is living with MS, except the later isn't voluntary. We ask that all participants raise a minimum of $60 to participate in the UnOfficial MS Beer Mile challenge.
Thank you for helping us create this new and fun (we hope) way to raise money and awareness in our fight against MS - and also helping us stay one of the top 3 DC area MS Walk fundraising teams.

We believe in treating all of our great friends and supporters - and we want to maintain that tradition with the UnOfficial MS Beer Mile. After the beer mile, everyone who participated, donated, and volunteered at our event is invited to our post event celebration. We'll provide food, beverages, and dessert.
As additional motivation, for those who "finish" the MS Beer Mile - (in less than 15 minutes) - we'll have a special commemorative gift for you.

A beer mile is Duffman's exercise of choice. To COMPLETE a beer mile - the participant must simultaneously run a mile while ingesting four beers. Typically, at the start of the race, you open your first beer - once consumed - you then proceed to run a 1/4 mile to the next stop, where your second beer awaits - you then drink beer number two - and once complete - run the next 1/4 mile. After burping several times, and cursing the person who convinced you to do this, you then drink your third beer and run the next 1/4 mile. You've gone this far, so you force yourself through the final beer and then head to the finish line. You've completed the beer mile!