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Photos from the 3rd Annual Ice-Cream-A-Thon

Here are some pics from the 2015 MS Ice-Cream-A-Thon.  It was lots of fun, and we hope to see you next year!
Here are some pics from the event, both during and at the "finish line".  Not everybody finished, but everyone had fun!

The above pictures capture the fun from the MS Ice-Cream-A-Thon's 3rd Annual event.  We had lots of fun trekking through Rockville Square, going to Ben & Jerry's, Marble Slab Creamery, and Potbelly's and getting more than our fill of ice cream.  Everyone (who made it that far, enjoyed the MS Special Shake (Mint Oreo) at PotBelly's.  More and more people finished the IceCreamAThon this year.  And that doesn't even include the kids who got credit for finishing with two stops (Or as we call it, the "Andrew-Rule".  We had a lot of returning Ice-Cream-A-Thon-ers, and we had a few new faces as well.  It was a gorgeous day, and a great way to finish off summer break.  Thanks to everyone who helped us raise over $1000 for the Nation MS Society for the third year in a row.  Please send an email to if you want copies of any of the pictures.


c/o Hartman MS Charities
9400 Copenhaver Drive
Potomac, MD 20854

​Event Address

199 E. Montgomery Avenue
Rockville, MD 20850


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