How do I Register for this Event?
You can register on this website at the Registration Page, or you can just send an email to: Register@IceCreamAThon.com, include your name and contact email. Either way, you'll receive instructions for fund raising and event information.
Do I really need to eat all that Ice Cream?
The ICE-CREAM-A-THON is your reward for a good fund raising job. Eat as much as you like.
Where do I send my Donations?
You can bring your cash or check donations to the event, or send them to the organizer prior to the event (to guarantee your Entry). All checks should be made out to "MS ICE-CREAM-A-THON". To help keep your donations organized you may want to download the MS ICE-CREAM-A-THON Pledge Form. Money and/or Pledge forms are DUE on the date of the event - AUGUST 24th. Before the event, you will get a notification to send in your pledges (otherwise, you can bring them with you on the day of the event). Alternatively, you can use our on-line donation page - please put your name and "registration" in the memo field so we know what the donation is for.
Can I bring a non-fundraising friend (or family member) to the Ice-Cream-A-Thon?
The short answer is YES. If you would like to attend the Ice-Cream-A-Thon with a "team-mate" or partner to help you eat all the ice cream. That's fine by us, just remember, you only get once scoop per store... Similarly, parents, are required to escort their children if only the children are participating.
Where does all the money go?
All proceeds (after costs) will be donated to the National MS Society. Approximately $20 of the funds go to the cost of the event (purchasing the ice cream and other miscellaneous costs). Additionally some of the stores will be making an additional donation to the National MS Society based on the number of participants.
Is there a RAIN DATE for this event?
No (well sometimes), but typically, the event is held Rain or Shine.
Can kids participate in the Ice-Cream-a-Thon?
Yes, assuming that they have raised enough money. Have Mom, Dad, Grandma, and a Friend all sponsor you for $5 a scoop and you are all the way there! Use our handy-dandy Pledge Sheet to help this kids get started collecting pledges and donations. Note: Kids are encouraged to complete the "kid's ICE-CREAM-A-THON" by finishing two of the three stops.
How much Ice Cream will I really get?
Each Pass is good for one Regular cone or cup of ice cream at each of the three participating stores (Ben&Jerry's - Regular or Small size - any flavor, Moorenko's - Regular or Small size creation, Cold Stone Creamery - Like It or Love It Creation or other). NOTE: While it appears to be a relatively easy challenge. Generally only 33% of the participants actually finish all three stops at the event.