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Ice-Cream-A-Thon ByLaws

Below are the current, up-to-date, By-Laws of the Ice-Cream-A-Thon Organization, Potomac, Maryland.

President:  Adam Hartman (2013)

Treasurer:  Laurie Hartman (2013)

ARTICLE I - Name and Purpose

Name:  The name of the organization shall be The Original Ice-Cream-A-Thon.  It shall be a nonprofit organization operating under the laws of the State of Maryland.


Purpose:  The Original Ice-Cream-A-Thon is organized exclusively for charitable purposes, specifically to raise funds for the National Multiple Sclerosis Society, a 501c organization.

ARTICLE 2 - Membership and Voting

Membership:  Membership in the organization is open to all who wish to volunteer and contribute to the organization's purpose.  




  1. Annual meetings will be held on the day of the Rockville Ice-Cream-A-Thon, following the event.
  2. The president and at least two members of the organization must be present for a quorum
  3. Meetings will be held to review the event budget and suggestions.  The meeting agenda will be established by the president.


At all meetings, voting will be done by voice.

Order of Business:  The annual meeting will have the following agenda. 

  1. Roll Call - Attendees
  2. Officer Reports
  3. Old and New Business
  4. Review of Action Items
  5. Adjournment

Dues:  There are no membership dues to be a member of this organization.  Membership is limited to those people who have volunteered or participated in the IceCreamAThon.

ARTICLE 3 - Leadership

Board of Directors:  There will be NO Board of Directors for the Ice-Cream-A-Thon (until deemed necessary by the president and membership).  The president, as voted in by the membership, will preside and lead the organization.

Officers:  There are two officer roles for the organization, the President, and the Treasurer.


The President shall preside at all membership meetings. The president shall see that all reports and filings required by law are properly kept and filed.  The president may be one of the officers that may sign the checks or contracts for the organization.

The Treasurer shall be responsible for the care and custody of all the monies that are received and distributed by the organization.  The Treasurer shall report on the current financial status of the organization to the President and membership during the annual meeting.  The Treasurer shall be one of the officers that can sign the checks for the organization.

Salaries:  Officer and Membership positions in this organization are all volunteer and do not draw a salary.

ARTICLE 4 - Amendments

Amendments:  These By-Laws may be altered, amended, repealed, or added to by an affirmative vote of not less than 80% of the voting members.


c/o Hartman MS Charities
9400 Copenhaver Drive
Potomac, MD 20854

​Event Address

199 E. Montgomery Avenue
Rockville, MD 20850


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