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2011 Invitational Results

Welcome to the MS Poker Web Page. First of all I want to say thank you to all of the sponsors, volunteers, and especially the participants who have made the previous MS Poker tournaments successful. With your help, we've donated over $25,000 to the National MS Society over the past six years!! Your continued generous support gives my family hope that our efforts will eventually lead to a cure to this horrible disease.
Another successful event, thanks to all of our great players, volunteers, and sponsors. Thanks to everyone who helped out and donated to the 2011 MS Poker Invitational. After all was said and done, we raised over $1,500 for the National MS Society. Thanks to everyone who helped break in the new poker room in style!
Thanks for spending a beautiful afternoon trapped in my basement (and thanks to several of you who let me progress far into the tournament). Thanks to our volunteer dealers this year, Lisa, Angelica, and Martha. Thanks to our food runners, Dani, Mary, and Laurie. And of course thanks to our great Food Sponsors:

If you visit any of these establishments in Rockville, please feel free to ask for the general manager or owner and tell them thank you for sponsoring the MS Poker Fundraiser.
Didn't make it to the tournament this spring, but still want to help out? Please use the Donation LInk below:
Tournament Highlights and Results
As to the poker, I think you guys are all getting too good. There was some real poker being played and not enough people willing to bet it all on 7-2 (maybe I need to rethink that strategy). I did my best to inspire this year with the shirt design, but clearly, this year there were a ton of skilled players.

It was nice seeing a bunch of familiar faces (I really do enjoy the invitational) - if feels like a large home game to me - so thanks for everyone for making it so much fun. I heard plenty of laughing and joking and everyone took their beats in stride (right Jack ;-)...

Table 2 won for LEAST number of rebuys - BOOOO!

And yes, we hid most of our lady players at Table 3, no Drew, I'm not talking about you ;-)

First Out

Final Table and Results
There were several rebuys during the first two hours of the event, but everyone stuck around through the lunch break. And it took four rounds to get down to the final table, but eventually we got there.
Final Table

For the invitational, the top 3 finishers get prizes. And I was hopeful that this would be my year. It was going to be tough, there were plenty of familiar faces, one defending champ, and last year's runner up in my way, but I was hopeful. Unfortunately, being the good host, I bowed out just short, in 4th place (*#*!$*&@%*)
Congrats to our top three finishers this year, Mehdi, Dan, and Cindy.

Final 3
Although he was the chip leader going into the final table, Mehdi fell off into third place, leaving Dan and Cindy to duke it out. For the long time poker friends, this was all about pride, and the Heads Up match went back and forth for a good hour. Ultimately, the tide turned when Dan missed on his up and down straight draw, and Cindy went from runner-up to Champion.
3rd Place Mehdi
2nd Place Dan Gaies
Congratulations to the 2011 MS Invitational Champion:
Cindy Albert

Hall of Champions
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