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2013 Tournament Results


After a long lay off, we really picked up right where we left off, with another great fund raiser! Thanks to all the generous players, volunteers, and donors of all types, this was one of the best MS Poker Tournament Fund Raisers ever! Thank you to everyone who participated, volunteered and donated to this year's fundraiser. With your help, we raised over $100 per person - raising Over $3500!!! It is just great to be surrounded by fantastic people who help us out every year and come to have fun, but mostly come to help out with our fight against MS. I hope you all had a great time dodging the heat and sacrificing your Saturday to hang out and play some cards. I really appreciate your support, and having such a successful event really makes all the hard work worth it. Thank you so much!

I want to take a quick moment to recognize the people who helped make this day possible. Thank you to our volunteer dealers (Laurie, Lee, and Sara). Thank you to our food runners, Allison, David, and Steph. Thank you to our helpers Becca, Sue, Lee, and Ellie. And finally, thank you to our great food donors, keeping everyone well fed.


If you visit any of these establishments in Rockville, please feel free to ask for the general manager or owner and tell them thank you for sponsoring the MS Poker Fundraiser.

Didn't make it to the tournament this spring, but still want to help out? Please use the Donation LInk below:

Tournament Highlights and Results


As usual the MS Poker Tournament not only hosted great charity, but it also hosted some great poker as well. The tournament lasted over 8 hours, starting at 2pm, and ending after 10pm. In fact we didn't have a final table until well into the 9 o'clock hour (I'll just assume that nobody wanted to leave ;-)


Thanks again to everyone who showed up and played with a charitable attitude. Below are some pictures of some happy and some serious players.


The tournament kicked off with lots of friendly play and a good bit of rebuys, but after our food break, it was only serious business. Our first victim of the day, was former champion Steve (who jinxed the first out by providing prizes for first out - enjoy your fish Steve ;-)

First Out

Final Table and Results

Like I said before, it took a while to get down to the final 9. There were several experienced players, but only one returning champion (Dee). The chips were fairly well dispersed between a handful of players, so it really was anyone's tournament to win at that point.

Final Table

Surprisingly, many of the big stacks tangled quickly, and most of the short stacked players made a few moves that didn't pay off, so we were down to the final three very quickly, with Dave staring up hill at two big stacks (Dan and Mark). Dave patiently waited for an opportunity, but was foiled by Mark's flush, and then we were down to two.

Final 3

Dan and Mark aggressively swapped chips back and forth for a little while, with neither player putting a big dent into the other's stack. On the final hand of the night, Mark aggressively played two over cards on the flop, and Dan happily called with top pair. Dan's hand improved on the turn, adding a second pair, so it looked like the 2011 runner-up was about to become a first time champion. Fortunately for Mark, the river card gave him a straight, enabling him and Jack to be the first brothers in the Hall of Champions. Congratulations to our top finishers, and champion!


3rd Place  David Mayhew

2nd Place  Dan Gaies

Congratulations to the 2013 MS Poker Champion: Mark Levengard


Please check out our newest fundraiser event scheduled to kick off this summer: The Rockville MS Ice-Cream-A-Thon. Fun for all ages. The MS Ice-Cream-A-Thon! We host this event at the end of every summer - and you can register and get more information on our website:

Hall of Champions
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