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2018 Tournament Results

It was another great year at the MS Poker Tournament. Thanks to all of our great players and donors, and some help from the top winners, we had one of our most successful fundraising years in a while. Even with only three tables of players, we were able to raise over $3400 for the National MS Society. The event was lots of fun, and as usual, it was awesome seeing everybody again for this annual event.
A quick thank you to everyone who helped make this year's tournament a success. Thank you to our volunteer dealers, David, Lee, and Chris. Thank you to our food runners, Mike, Laurie, Matthew, and Rachel. And thank you to our great food sponsors:

It still amazes me every year when we see all of our return players. We had a few players who haven't been here in a while along with our usual group who doesn't miss an event. We had four first timers as well, getting their first taste of the fun. Thanks to all who came from near and far to join the festivities. We may have to rename the tournament to the MS Poker ReUnion soon.
Didn't make it to the tournament this spring, but still want to help out? Please use the Donation LInk below:
Tournament Highlights and Results
On to the tournament summary and highlights. Like usual, the poker gods make some interesting things happen. The random seat assignments resulted in some conservative tables, and some not-so conservative tables. Table 1 highlighted the early play of the tournament - lighting up the All-In lamp frequently, and generating a lot of excitement. Gabe decided to give a run at the all-time rebuy record, (but Drew's feat (7) still reigns). Regardless, Table 1 definitely took the lead in terms of chips at the table by the first break.

Tables 2 and 3 were having fun too!

Following our dinner break, it was time to settle down and play some real poker. However, the lure of the fish trophy was strong, and three players quickly took aim at the trophy, as Sandy and Gabe exited together. (Gabe won the first ever "fish tie-breaker" due to rebuys). Congrats?
First Out

Final Table
Final Table and Results
By 5:30, the cash game was in full swing and we were down to two tables, and by 7pm, we had our final table. The final table featured four returning champions and one first time player, and one very hopeful host. The cards were in my favor early this year, during the final table, as several nice hands resulted in some quick knockouts. By the time the bubble popped on Dee, I had amassed quite a chip lead, and was receiving constant taunts from Dan about my chances of (finally) winning the tournament.

Final 3

Standing in my way was the 2016 champion, Jeff, and the perennial top three finisher, Dan. Play slowed down a bit, however, after a few missed attempts at knock-outs, we all had even stacks. Dan would be the first to exit the top three, leaving Jeff with a very healthy stack, and me trying to crawl back to the top. Heads up started well, with a handful of hands going my way, but ultimately, I fell victim to a high pair that was trumped by a terrible flop - leaving Jeff with all of the chips and his third trophy in as many years.
3rd Place Dan Gaies
2nd Place Adam Hartman
Congratulations to the 2018 MS Poker Champion: Jeff Sauder

Did you miss the 2018 MS Poker Tournament, but still want to get in on the action? Want to help fight MS, but need to spend some quality time with the family? Well, try our not-so-new family friendly fundraiser: The MS Ice-Cream-A-Thon! We host this event at the end of every summer - and you can register and get more information on our website:
Hall of Champions
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