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2017 Tournament Results

Another year, another successful fund raising tournament is in the books. Thank you to all of our great donors and volunteers who helped us raise over $2300 for the National MS Society.
A quick thank you to everyone who helped make this year's tournament a success. Thank you to our volunteer dealers, Laurie, Lee, David, and Geoff. Thank you to our food sponsors:

As usual, we had a great group of players for the tournament this year. We had three first timers, but the rest of the players were MS Poker Tournament regulars, and it was great seeing so many familiar faces. Thanks to all who came from near and far to join the festivities.
Didn't make it to the tournament this spring, but still want to help out? Please use the Donation LInk below:
Tournament Highlights and Results
As usual, the tournament started with three tables, and unlike some previous events, it actually took a while before we had our first rebuy. But, once the ice was broken, everyone got into the spirit. The rebuy pace really picked up as we got close to the dinner break and no one can argue about not having an opportunity to accummulate some chips.
We discovered that the secret to happy players is to take pictures early on in the tournment, before it gets too serious.

It's always great to see so many familiar faces!

Everybody got to relax for a few minutes and enjoy some food before getting down to business. There were a couple of players who were down to their last few chips already, so we knew that it wouldn't be long before we had our first person out. However, instead of a short stack taking the quick exit, our first out came from Table 1, and featured a first to worst in consecutive years. At least Jeff can claim to have won a trophy in each of the past two years.
First Out

Final Table
Final Table and Results
By 5:30, we were down to two tables, and by 7pm, we had our final table. We had two returning champions, at least until we finished the first hand, which featured a three way all-in and took us down to 8 players very quickly. John came in as the big stack and added more chips early on. The other contenders shifted chips back and forth for a while, and the play was very serious as players continued to slowly get knocked out.

Final 3
The last returning champion bowed out in 5th place to make it official that we would have a new champion. No one wanted to bubble out, so the final four battled for over an hour. Until John (who predicted his fate earlier in the day), became the victim of lack of good cards. Kamil, shortly thereafter was eliminated by the two remaining big stacks, and then it was down to John and Mary to see who would take home the trophy.
3rd Place Kamil Akcali
2nd Place Mary Thompson

Congratulations to the 2017 MS Poker Champion: John Dye

Did you miss the 2017 MS Poker Tournament, but still want to get in on the action? Want to help fight MS, but need to spend some quality time with the family? Well, try our not-so-new family friendly fundraiser: The MS Ice-Cream-A-Thon! We host this event at the end of every summer - and you can register and get more information on our website:
Hall of Champions
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