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2010 Tournament Results


Awesome, just awesome! This year's MS Poker Tournament Fund Raiser raised the most money EVER! Thank you to everyone who participated, volunteered and donated to this year's fundraiser. With your help, we raised more money than ever before...Over $4200!!!. It is just great to be surrounded by fantastic people who help us out every year and come to have fun, but mostly come to help out with our fight against MS. I hope you all had a great time on this rainy spring Saturday. I really appreciate your support, and having such a successful event really makes all the hard work worth it. Thank you so much!

I want to take a quick moment to recognize the people who helped make this day possible. Thank you to our volunteer dealers (Sally, Laurie, Lee, Adrienne, Carson and Ashley). Thank you to our food runners, Jose, Howard and Helene. Thank you to the Kingsview HOA for allowing us to use their Community Center. And finally, thanks to our great food donors, keeping everyone well fed.


If you visit any of these establishments in Rockville, please feel free to ask for the general manager or owner and tell them thank you for sponsoring the MS Poker Fundraiser.

Didn't make it to the tournament this spring, but still want to help out? Please use the Donation LInk below:

Tournament Highlights and Results


Not only did we raise the most money ever this year, but we also had the longest tournament as well. This year's tournament started with 56 players spread over 6 tables at 1pm, and ended with only 1 player left at 10:09pm.


Thanks again to everyone who showed up and played with a charitable attitude. Below are some pictures of some happy and some serious players.

First Out

If I didn't get you in this year's pictures - you'll just have to smile more next year, or (as in my case) - just be the first out of the tournament :-(


Final Table and Results

There was a good mix of new and returning final table players at this year's final table. Some were reaching the final table for the first time, while two were looking to add to their MS Poker Trophy collection.

Final Table

Although it took a while to get to the final table, a few players exited quickly and some big stacks were coming and going. With 6 players remaining, Dave lost a huge pile of chips when his full house on the flop turned into the second best hand as runner runner Aces showed up to give Bill a higher full house. Soon after we were down to our final two players, Cindy and Bill. And we would have either our second straight lady champion or our second two-time MS Poker champion.

Final 3

The final heads up competition had Cindy at about a 2-1 chip disadvantage, but it was still well contested. In the end, Cindy's Trip 8's were called down by Bill's 8 high straight. Congratulations to our top finishers, and champion!

5th Place  Branca Mendonca

4th Place  David Mayhew

3rd Place  Antonio Meza

2nd Place Cindy Albert

Congratulations to the 2010 and now Two-Time Main Event MS Poker Champion: Bill Flanigan

Hall of Champions
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